I am surrounded by a tribe of beautiful people that I've invited into my life. My triumphs, successes, struggles, frustrations are never anything I need to carry alone. My tribe is my most valuable resource. 

Entrepreneurship is gritty, it's raw, it will expose your flaws* quickly and test you beyond your breaking point. Not just once or twice but OFTEN. That tribe I just told you about have cheered me on and pushed me across that finish line any chance they got. (Funny thing is one of those members pushed me to post this as I began to second guess myself) As hard as I go for my career, my mission, and myself they match that and then some. 

Community can be the difference between just being and thriving. Knowing where and who to give your time and energy to is key. Not saying yes to everything is a skillset, knowing to value your time and to create boundaries around that is currently saving my life. It's something I am always working on (I love to say yes, yes, and yes). Seeing how beautiful life can be when you are intentional has been motivating me to strengthen that skill. You will see in my work, my products, everything has intention behind it, purpose and so much of myself. Just like myself, Araceli Farms is a labor of love, intertwined with loss, pain, struggle, insecurity, joy, growth and all the emotion life has to offer. I aim to serve my community, to build it up, empower others and to share the journey. I want to continue to provide damn good quality products, refine and build our structure and processes, spoil the heck out of my crews/employees, and create a space of bliss for people to fall in love with agriculture/simplicity. The list goes on but I will leave it at that for right now. 


ic: Lavender Buds Emerging

Our season is about 4 weeks away, our field is covered in tiny buds and I cannot wait to have you experience the bloom, to join the community and experience life among the flowers. Our budget is tight, anxiety is rearing it's head knowing this year will determine so much for us. I'm nervous, i'm excited, giddy, above all i'm ready to go into the season swinging full force. I'm going to keep working on bringing you a beautiful 2019 season.


* I say flaws but I feel like thats judgmental and negative. So, let me rephrase by clarifying the things you try and push down and graze over will boil up and you'll want to work on it to move forward towards success.


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